A guard tour checking system provides proof that a specific guard was at a specific place at logged date and time. This solution comprises the following elements:
- ID medium for guards
Each guard has a personal iButton and touches it to the SL-33 reader when he takes it over for his shift. All subsequent reads of control point iButtons are attributed to him until another guard touches a personal iButton to the reader cup.
- ID medium for the control points
These control points, which comprise an iButton and an aluminium mounting plate are fixed to a wall or other flat surface at key locations for the tour. The guard must touch the iButton with the reader’s cup in order to make a clocking which includes the iButton code and a timestamp.
- Handheld iButton reader for logging timestamped iButton reads
The SL-33 iButton reader is used by guards to clock in with their personal iButtons at the beginning of their shift and later to make clockings of the control points during their tours.
The SL-33 reader has the following features:
- Reads iButtons and makes time-stamped records in its buffer
- Uses a readily available 9V block battery, which lasts 4-6 months and is easily replacable by the user
- The data and current time&date are not lost during battery change
- Communication with a PC is over RS-232 or USB
- The number of necessary readers for a location depends on the number of guards touring simultaneously
Comm33 communication and report program
The Comm33 program has the following features:
- Communicates with SL-33 readers, downloads records, sets current time&date etc.
- Enables setting of terms used in reports. Default terms are (reader/category/unit) which should be changed to (reader/guard/checkpoint) in guard tour applications
- Enroll all readers into the system (via unique serial numbers) and give them user-friendly names
- Enroll guards into the system (via personal iButton codes)
- Enroll checkpoints into the system (via iButton codes) with user-friendly names
- Generates reports: chronological, by guards, by checkpoints, by readers, by guards+time
- Reset the attached reader i.e. clear buffer
- Pack the attached reader i.e. revive records that have been downloaded or lost in other ways